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Add bucket

At the moment Nebbl supports adding buckets from Cloudflare and Backblaze cloud storage providers. Currently, these providers have the most attractive and flexible pricing on the market and can be suitable for the widest range of file storage cases.

Before you can add buckets in Nebbl, you need to create them in the cloud storage provider services. Here are the detailed instructions for each cloud provider:

  • Cloudflare R2
  • Backblaze B2

Adding a Cloudflare R2 bucket

Go to the Buckets page.

Simply click the

button in the top right corner.

A small menu will open. Choose Cloudflare R2.

The ADD BUCKET dialog window will open prompting you to enter the details of the bucket and the bucket credentials:


If you need help getting Cloudflare R2 bucket credentials, go to this article: Create a Cloudflare R2 bucket

In the Bucket details section enter:

  • Display name*
  • Description

In the Cloudflare R2 credentials section enter:

  • Account ID*
  • Bucket name*
  • Access key ID*
  • Secret access key*

Treat your Secret access key as a password. Don't share it anywhere outside of Nebbl or your cloud provider account.


Your Secret access key is securely encrypted within the Nebbl service and is never transmitted outside of it or even to the Nebbl user interface.

With all the data entered, click the


The newly added bucket will appear in the buckets list.

Adding a Backblaze B2 bucket

Go to the Buckets page.

Click the

button in the top right corner.

A small menu will open. Choose Backblaze B2.

The ADD BUCKET dialog window will open prompting you to enter the details of the bucket and the bucket credentials:


If you need help getting Backblaze B2 bucket credentials, go to this article: Create a Backblaze B2 bucket

In the Bucket details section enter:

  • Bucket name*
  • Description

In the Backblaze B2 credentials section enter:

  • Key ID*
  • Bucket name*
  • Region*
  • Application key*

Treat your Application key as a password. Don't share it anywhere outside of Nebbl or your cloud provider account.


Your Application key is securely encrypted within the Nebbl service and is never transmitted outside of it or even to the Nebbl user interface.

With all the data entered, click the


The newly added bucket will appear in the buckets list.